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Habit Tracker Keep track of progress, achieve goals, build habits!
Daniel Kag

Co-Founder Habit Tracker

The ultimate guide to daily habits ideas to track

Tracking your habits is a powerful way to improve your life. By observing your daily routines, you can identify patterns, make changes, and achieve your goals more effectively. In this article, we will explore various habits to track, provide habit tracker ideas, and give you some inspiration for your bullet journal habit tracker ideas.

Why track?

Tracking offers numerous benefits:

  • Accountability: keeping a record holds you accountable to your goals.
  • Motivation: seeing your progress can be highly motivating.
  • Self-awareness: understanding your habits helps you identify what works and what doesn’t.
  • Goal achievement: breaking down goals into daily makes them more manageable.

Essential habits to track

Health and wellness

  • Exercise: track your workouts to ensure consistency.
  • Water intake: monitor your daily water consumption.
  • Sleep: keep a log of your sleep patterns.
  • Diet: record your meals to maintain a balanced diet.
  • Meditation: meditation sessions for mental wellness.


  • To-Do list: keep track of tasks completed daily.
  • Reading: monitor your reading and progress.
  • Work hours: log the hours you spend working each day.
  • Learning: track new skills or information you learn.

Personal development

  1. Gratitude: write down things you are grateful for each day.
  2. Journaling: track your journaling habits.
  3. Affirmations: record daily affirmations to boost positivity.
  4. New Hobbies: monitor the time spent on new hobbies or interests.

Daily habits to track

Consider these daily goals to track:

Morning routine

  • Wake-up time: ensure a consistent wake-up time.
  • Morning exercise: include a brief workout or stretching.
  • Healthy breakfast: track your breakfast choices.
  • Planning: spend a few minutes planning your day.

Workday routine

  1. Focus Time: periods of focused work.
  2. Breaks: Ensure you take regular breaks.
  3. Meetings: Keep a log of meetings attended.
  4. Emails: the time spent on emails.

Evening routine

  • Dinner: Monitor your dinner choices for a balanced diet.
  • Relaxation: Track activities that help you unwind.
  • Family Time: Record time spent with family.
  • Bedtime: Ensure a consistent bedtime.

Habit tracker ideas

There are many ways to create routine trackers. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Digital apps

    1. Habit Tracker : an easy-to-use chrome extension app.
    2. Habitica: turns tracking into a fun game.
    3. Streaks: simple and effective for daily use.
  • Bullet journals

    1. Monthly layout: create a grid for each day of the month.
    2. Weekly layout: use a weekly spread.
    3. Color-coding: assign different colors for visual appeal.
  • Planners

    1. Daily Planner: integrate into daily planner.
    2. Weekly Planner: use a weekly planner for more detailed tracking.
    3. Custom Planners: create custom planner pages.

Bullet journal habit tracker ideas

Bullet journals are a fantastic way to track habits creatively. Here are some bullet journal habit tracker ideas:

  • Simple grid layout. Create a grid with habits listed on one axis and days of the month on the other. Mark off each day you complete.
  • Mood tracker. Combine mood tracking with habits. Use colors to indicate mood simultaneously.
  • Theme-based. Trackers Design tracker around a theme. For example, a floral theme for spring or a beach theme for summer.
  • Habit wheel. Create a circular tracker where each segment represents a different habit. Fill in segments as you complete ones.
  • Doodle trackers. Incorporate doodles or icons that represent each habit. Color them in as you complete them.

Tips for effective tracking

Start small: begin with a few habits to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Be consistent: track daily for the best results.

Review regularly: review them weekly or monthly to assess your progress.

Adjust as neede: don’t be afraid to change habits or tracking methods if something isn’t working.

Celebrate success: reward yourself for achieving milestones to stay motivated.


Tracking can be a game-changer in your journey towards self-improvement. By choosing the right habits to track and using creative ideas, you can stay motivated, accountable, and on the path to achieving your goals. Whether you prefer digital apps or bullet journals, there is a habit tracking method out there for everyone. Start tracking today and watch as you transform daily routines into positive, life-changing habits.